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The future

In a world often divided by differences, the vision of InterLink Faith bonds symbolizes the unity of diverse cultures, beliefs, and traditions. Just as threads of various colors come together to create a beautiful tapestry, so too can the people of the world unite, weaving their distinct spiritual paths into a single, harmonious fabric. This vision is not about erasing differences but celebrating them, recognizing that every hue and shade contributes to the richness of our shared human experience.

Demons are Real Unseen Forces. Go Beyond the seen into the powerful world of the Unseen.

Demonology: Real Unseen Dark Forces That Affect Your Life takes you beyond the veil of the visible world into the chilling reality of unseen forces that influence our lives in ways we often cannot comprehend. In this compelling exploration, we tell you that questioning the existence of demons is futile, for their impact on human existence is undeniable. This ebook uncovers the shadowy entities that lurk in the darkness, manipulating thoughts, emotions, and actions. Delve into the mysterious world of demonology and arm yourself with the knowledge to recognize and confront these powerful forces that shape your reality.

Donate to Our Cause and Receive this ebook...

It’s amazing how life unfolds in unexpected ways. Before I turned thirty-five, religion and its concept of God held no sway over me. At fourteen, I had already made up my mind: if God existed, I had no means to prove it, so I declared myself agnostic. From that point on, God was a distant thought, overshadowed by the routines of life—formal education, marriage, raising children.

But then, at thirty-six, something changed. Out of nowhere, a deep desire to understand God gripped my mind. A part of me reasoned that there must be something to all this religious fervor. Could it be that humanity’s long-standing discourse on God wasn’t just empty talk? Maybe, just maybe, their ideas of God reflected a primitive stage in human development, but there had to be something worth exploring in this God business. So, why not find out?

Being the systematic person I am, I approached this quest with methodical rigor. I delved into Catholicism and Christianity, studying the lives and contributions of the founding fathers of Christianity. Within a year, my head was swimming with names and doctrines—Origen, Athanasius, Saint Augustine, Ambrose, Meister Eckhart, Saint John of the Cross, Teresa of Avila, Erasmus, Ignatius Loyola, Martin Luther, John Calvin—the list went on. If there was a significant figure in Christendom, I had read about them and could recite their contributions to the faith.

As for the Bible, I revisited it, starting from Genesis and reading through to Revelation. I read it several times, but my position remained unchanged from when I was fourteen: these were tales, moral lessons crafted by the ancients, but they did not prove or disprove the existence of God.

My curiosity unsatisfied, I turned to the East. In Seattle, Washington, I joined a Hindu Vedanta Temple, attending Sunday services and midweek lectures on the Gospel of Ramakrishna and the writings of Vivekananda. I immersed myself in Hinduism—studying the Vedas, Upanishads, Ramayana, Mahabharata, Patanjali’s Yogas—absorbing every aspect of its theology.

Hinduism introduced me to the concept of Brahman, the ultimate reality, and Atman, the individual soul, teaching that Atman and Brahman are one. It explained how Atman went to sleep, dreaming our world, and forgot its true nature. The journey, according to Hinduism, is to break through Maya, or ignorance, to achieve Moksha—liberation—and awaken to one’s true self in Samadhi. I even tried meditation and found peace in the practice, but still, it wasn’t enough.

Next, I explored Buddhism, which I found to be a branch of Hinduism, focusing on Raja Yoga—meditation. Buddhism taught that to live is to desire to live as a separated ego, and that this pursuit leads to suffering. The path to reduce suffering, according to the Buddha, is through detachment and relinquishing desire. I learned about the differences between Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism, one emphasizing meditation and the other, prayer.

While Buddhism appealed to my intellect, its lack of an elaborate theology left me wanting more. So, my search continued, leading me to explore Zen, Taoism, and other oriental religions. These teachings were fascinating, but I found myself at a crossroads. As intriguing as the negation of the phenomenal world prescribed by oriental religions was, I couldn’t fully escape into it. My roots in Christianity and my desire to understand and improve the world through science kept me anchored in this reality.

And so, the search for understanding continues. What’s next? I don’t know, but the journey itself has been nothing short of remarkable.

One Race. One Spirit: A Global Journey of Healing and Transformation

Heal the World with Existential Psychotherapy

"One Race. One Spirit" is not just a talk—it’s a global psychotherapy session designed to heal and transform the collective soul of humanity. This powerful session focuses on healing the psyche—mind, soul, spirit—and guiding us from division and hate to unity and love, drawing on Carl Jung’s universal archetypes that connect us all.

What You’ll Experience:

  • A Journey of Healing: Heal the divisions within our collective psyche and reconnect with the universal spirit that binds us all.

  • A Path to Transformation: Transform our collective consciousness and embrace a deeper understanding of our shared humanity.

  • A Vision of Unity and Love: Discover how our differences add to the beauty and strength of humanity, leading us toward a united and loving world.

Who Should Listen?

This talk is for everyone seeking healing and unity. "One Race. One Spirit" offers the insights and tools needed to foster global transformation and love.

Why It Matters:

In a time of division, "One Race. One Spirit" offers urgent healing and transformation for both individuals and society. It’s more than a talk; it’s a therapeutic journey.

Join the Healing Process:

Start your journey today. Listen to "One Race. One Spirit" and be part of a global movement toward unity and love.

Order Now and Begin Your Transformation!

The time for healing is now.

David du Plessis

This website is dedicated to pastor David du Plessis who originated from South Africa and yet lived most of his life in the United States. David du Plessis worked with William Branham, Gordon Lindsay and Joseph D. Mattsson-Boze.

David du Plessis is known as Mr Pentecost and his passion and desire was to see protestant churches and pentecostal movement of the 20th century united with Roman Catholic Church - the great universal mother church.

There are three things we have to bear in mind when we look at early Christianity;

First, the cultural context of a Hellenistic world all around it. Second, the Jewish sources of the new creed and the Jewish influences on it. And third, the changes in the contemporary world between the first century when Christianity was born and the fourth century when it was recognized by the Roman state.

In other words, the ways in which the world affected Christianity and the ways in which Christianity affected the world. If we begin by looking at the dominant Hellenistic culture of the ancient world, we find that it had been deeply infiltrated by Orientalism, especially as regards religion.

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low angle view of cross with red garment


I've developed a unique spiritual path, drawing inspiration from Gnosticism, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, and various other traditions, alongside both Western and Eastern philosophy. It may seem unconventional now (in 2022), but I believe it holds the potential to become a universal spirituality for humankind in the future.

The world needs a new spirituality - new thought system; that new thought system has come from me. I am qualified to produce this philosophy; in fact, it is what I came to the world to do! Originally I am a librarian.

I have studied the various philosophies of the West and the religions of the East.

I studied Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Zeno, Stoicism, Epicure, Gnosticism, Seneca, Cicero, Marcus Aurelius’, Augustine’s Catholicism, Origen, Tertullian, Aquinas, Erasmus, Martin Luther, John Calvin, Machiavelli, Pascal, Voltaire, Denis Diderot, Jean Jacque Rousseau, David Hume, George Berkeley, Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Spinoza, Ludwig Leibnitz, Kant, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Karl Marx, Edmund Burke, Jeremy Bentham, James Mill, John Stuart Mill, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, Feuerbach, Nietzsche, Henri Bergson, William James, Jacques Derrida, Ludwig Wittgenstein and so on.

If Oriental religious thinkers exercise your mind I studied Krishna, Gautama Buddha, Lao Tzu, Confucius, Shankara, Ramanuja, Guru Nanak, Ramakrishna, and Vivekananda etc.

If science is your cup of tea you will find that both classical science (mechanics, heat, light, electricity, sound) and new science (quantum physics, plasma physics and molecular biology) are covered in our ebooks.

If Western psychology is of interest to you, you will find just about everything ever written by the trail blazers of Western psychology in Osujism: Freud, Adler, Jung, Otto Rank, Erich Fromm, Erik Erickson, Karen Horney, Abraham Maslow, R. D. Laing, Albert Ellis, Aaron Beck, B. F. Skinner, Gordon Allport, John Watson and the other behaviorists and the neuroscientists. Whatever are your psychological studies you will see it synthesized in our resources.

The ideas of the world’s major writers such as Homer, Virgil, Ovid, Horace, Dante, Geoffrey Chaucer, William Shakespeare, John Milton, Alexander Pope, Walter Scott, Charles Dickens, Victor Hugo, Thomas Hardy, George Eliot, George Orwell, Bernard Shaw, Goethe, Dumas, Dostoyevsky, Tolstoy, Mark Twain, Eugene O’Neal, and so on are all found in our resources.

Exploring the Enchanting Bahá'í Religion: A Spiritual Path for a Unified World

The Bahá'í Faith, often referred to as the "open religion for the new world," presents a compelling vision of unity and spiritual harmony. Rooted in the belief that humanity is a single race, the Bahá'í religion offers a universal approach to faith that transcends cultural, ethnic, and national boundaries. In a world where diverse races and cultures increasingly coexist, the Bahá'í Faith emerges as a unifying force, encouraging the oneness of humanity. This paper explores the Bahá'í religion, its historical roots, and its relevance to the contemporary global society.

Connecting Faith Communities

Promoting Peaceful Coexistence and Understanding Between Diverse Faiths

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Guided by the Drum: A Shamanic Journey into the Forest

Discover Your Spiritual Guides on a Transformative Shamanic Journey

Step into the sacred embrace of the forest and let the powerful rhythm of the drums lead you on a journey like no other. "Guided by the Drum" is your gateway to a shamanic experience where you call upon and meet your spiritual guides in the heart of nature.

What Awaits You in This Unique Journey:

  • A Sacred Encounter: As the drums echo through the forest, they call forth the ancient guides who have wisdom and insight to share with you. This journey is a deeply personal and spiritual experience, allowing you to connect with the spirits that guide your life.

  • A Transformative Experience: Whether you seek answers, healing, or a deeper connection with the natural world, "Guided by the Drum" offers a profound and transformative journey that will resonate within you long after you’ve left the forest.

  • A Journey into the Heart of Nature: Walk through towering trees and feel the whisper of the wind as you follow the path laid out by the rhythm of the drums. This is more than just a retreat—it’s an opportunity to open the door to the spiritual realms within the forest.

Why This Journey Matters:

In a world that often feels disconnected, "Guided by the Drum" brings you back to your roots—both in nature and within yourself. This shamanic journey offers you a unique opportunity to explore the spiritual guides who are always with you, waiting to be called upon.

Join the Journey:

Don’t miss your chance to experience this powerful and transformative journey. Let the drums lead you to your guides and discover the wisdom that the forest has to offer.

Book Your Shamanic Journey Now!

Step into the forest, follow the rhythm, and let "Guided by the Drum" take you on an unforgettable spiritual journey. Your guides are waiting.

Philosophical Picnic: Socrates on Life, Love, and Relationships

Step Back in Time to 500 BC: A Philosophical Picnic with Socrates

Imagine yourself in ancient Athens, around 500 BC, where the air is filled with the scent of blooming flowers and the warm sun kisses the earth. A group of young men and spirited women gather around a figure whose wisdom and charisma are legendary—Socrates. This is no ordinary gathering; it’s a philosophical picnic, where the finest Babylonian beer flows freely, adding to the lively mood and deepening the enjoyment of the conversation.

What You’ll Experience in This Immersive Talk:

  • A Glimpse into Ancient Athens: Be transported to a time when philosophy was as much a part of life as food and drink. This talk reconstructs the atmosphere of a vibrant philosophical gathering, where Socrates, surrounded by eager young men and bold women, shares his thoughts on life, love, and relationships.

  • The Wisdom of Socrates: Listen in as Socrates engages his audience in a dialogue that challenges conventional wisdom and encourages deep reflection. Whether discussing the nature of love, the complexities of relationships, or the meaning of life itself, Socrates’ words resonate through the ages, offering timeless insights that are as relevant today as they were 2,500 years ago.

  • A Unique Social Experience: Picture yourself at this philosophical picnic, where ideas flow as freely as the Babylonian beer. The social mood is light and joyful, yet the conversation dives into the profound questions of existence, creating a perfect blend of enjoyment and enlightenment.

  • A Reconstruction of History: We may not have been there in person, but this talk is a careful reconstruction of what such a gathering might have been like, based on fragments of history and the enduring legacy of Socratic thought. It’s an opportunity to engage with the past in a way that feels immediate and alive.

Who Should Listen?

This talk is for anyone fascinated by philosophy, history, or the art of meaningful conversation. Whether you’re a seasoned philosopher or simply curious about the wisdom of the ancients, "Philosophical Picnic: Socrates on Life, Love, and Relationships" offers a rich, immersive experience that connects the past with the present.

Why This Talk Matters:

In a world that often rushes past the deeper questions of life, this talk invites you to slow down, pour a drink, and engage in a timeless dialogue. It’s not just about learning philosophy; it’s about living it. Socrates’ teachings on life, love, and relationships are as relevant now as they were in ancient Athens, offering insights that can transform how we see ourselves and each other.

Join the Conversation:

Don’t miss this chance to be part of a unique historical experience. Listen to "Philosophical Picnic: Socrates on Life, Love, and Relationships" and immerse yourself in a world where philosophy was a way of life, and every conversation was a step toward greater understanding.

Order Now and Embark on a Journey to Ancient Athens!

Experience the joy of learning and the depth of thought in a setting that celebrates both the mind and the spirit. Let’s gather around Socrates and discover the wisdom that has shaped the course of history.

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InterWoven Connections and Relationships

Interwoven Connections: Breaking Down Barriers invites you on a transformative journey to redefine your identity beyond societal expectations and embrace the richness of a diverse world.

About Us

Interlink Faith is a movement dedicated to fostering peaceful coexistence among different faith communities. Our mission is to connect diverse faiths and promote understanding through systematic study of Catholicism, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, and more.